I decided to call my college magazine ‘College Talks’ as I felt it had quite a youthful ring to it. Also, following up my research survey the name ‘College Talks’ seemed to be the most popular. The masthead is of course the biggest and catchiest piece of text on the cover as it has to be noticeable.
The font I used was constant throughout as I was going for something simple. I chose the colour scheme of purple and black as I wanted to use a colour that is not particularly associated with one particular gender. As I used a female model, it was important that I did not make my magazine cover too girly as my target audience is 16-19 year old male and female college students. My model looks very happy and friendly, she sends a positive vibe especially with her (well known) hand gesture of ‘thumbs up’. I wanted to convey a relaxed impression so I edited the background behind my model to match the cool colours of her clothing.
Beside the model, on the right there is a big star shape which is very eye-catching. Inside it in black it says ‘ONLY 50P!!’ this strategic device was used so that the consumer is tempted or even better still, persuaded to buy the product. Under the star shape there is a ‘CHANCE TO WIN AN iPHONE 4!!’ which is also something that will be very appealing to most people (especially college students) as this is a new sophisticated, technological device.
On the left hand side, there are a few points on things to look forward to ‘INSIDE’. I purposely used capital letters simply so my front cover stands out and so the students want to pick it up and buy it.
Across the bottom in another shade of purple, I included the online version of the magazine as a lot of notable magazines have websites where you can read some articles online. Also, these days’ most young people use the Internet mostly in comparison to actually reading hard copies.
In the bottom right hand corner of the magazine there is a barcode present. Immediately under the masthead in black is the date the magazine was published ‘Winter 2010’ and below that (also in black) is the issue no. which in this case is ‘121’.